What went well? What didn't go well? What will I change going forward?
Inspired by Jason Lengstorf's blog entry, here is my own 2018 retrospective. I am publishing this in the hopes that I will be more accountable and therefore hopefully increase the changes of actually achieving my resolutions!
2018 was actually a very good year for me and here are the things that are standing out:
Our second son was born in October 2017, and my wife and I decided to take care of him without any helpers. Living in Singapore, having a nanny is more or less standard, but for various reasons, a nanny does not work for us. Also, with my parents living in another country and the passing away of my mother-in-law a while ago, this was not an option either.
Today, I am really proud of me (and especially my wife) that we have made it through the year. It was often difficult, but ultimately it is very rewarding to be able to do that, and I it will only get easier next year... :-)
Yes, I got promoted at my work, despite the big focus on my baby son. Nothing more to add here.
Inspired by the focus on engineering and the change to an engineering culture at my work, I found the joy of coding again, though there is a lot to catch-up. I have mostly focused on JavaScript, with a few success stories of prototypes that I have created. There is even one prototype (an Apollo GraphQL server), which I have created and is now being used by an engineering team and is successfully running in production!
I am using quotes here, because it should say "regularly, whenever possible". Meaning that unless I fell sick, or I had to help out at home with the kids, I went to gym 3 times a week (in the early morning, before work).
Looking after the baby was challenging, and has unfortunately also impacted the time my wife and I were able to focus on us. A dinner, or even just sitting together for a while and talk (about something else but children), was almost not possible.
Have you ever been in the situation where you open Netflix, because you have some time to watch a show, and there are so many shows you want to watch, that you become frustrated and end up not watching anything at all, and instead just go to bed? I experienced this all the time. And not only while watching Netflix, but in almost any situation where I had some me time.
Despite going to gym "regularly" (note the quotes here again), I did not gain any muscle mass (or not a lot, anyway).
Although I consider it an achievement about actually spending time on coding (see above section), I would have liked to focus even more on it.
Like Jason, I want to set myself some high-level goals for 2019, with more details in "90-day-goals".
In the next 90 days, I want to:
That's it, wish me luck! :-)