Blog created!

My very first blog is created, using @gatsbyjs!

While I continue to work on exactly defining and prioritising my 2019 resolutions, I went ahead and created my first blog. I read a lot about about GatsbyJS and done some prototypes with it at work, so it was clear to me that I want to use GatsbyJS to build my own blog. It truly was extremely easy to create it (and yes, it also is blazing fast!). It literally requires a single "click-on-a-button", and you are being guided through a process to create a blog, using GatsbyJS, which is hosted on Netlify.

This, however, was the easy part. Now the hard part (but also the fun part) will have to follow:

  • Update the design to make it more personal (currently, it is using the NetlifyCMS default template)
  • Write blog entries!

For documentation purposes, I am attaching some screenshots of this first version of my blog.

Main page

Blog post
