My (draft) 2019 Resolutions

Following are my initial thoughts on 2019 resolutions, in no particular order.

  • Contribute to any open source project
  • Become a member of a scrum team (permanent? Floater? “Whenever I have time”?)
  • Become a more hands-on engineer (focus on a technology? Which one?)
  • Start a blog to document progress
  • Blog about the agile transformation of my team
  • Properly define my role and agree it with my managers
  • Become a better coach/mentor for my direct reports (regular 1:1 with all of them, focusing on their career and not about their day to day work progress)
  • Start writing TS instead of JS (look at TS section here:

In a next blog post, I will prioritise them and provide some more details around each of them.